Care & storage tips

Basic care and storage tips of jewelry

The necklace is made from fine chain that is very fragile. Please do not pull the chain strongly.

Do not wear the jewelry while taking shower and sauna, swimming, playing sports and sleeping.

Each time after wearing the jewelry, quick and gently wipe away sweat and dirt from the jewelry with a soft cloth.

Keep the jewelry away from air. Minimal exposure to air when not in use is the best way to keep your jewelry looking new!

Silver jewelry

Silver is tarnished by sulfur containing elements such as wool, felt, food (onions, eggs, and mayonnaise), fossil fuels, rubber bands, latex gloves, carpet padding, certain paints and cosmetics. Tarnish can be accelerated in a humid environment. Salts, sweat, from foods, bodily oils, or natural elements (the ocean air) are corrosive elements and therefore a danger to silver. Leaving the silver jewelry without cleaning would cause the tarnish and the chain to be broken. If the jewelry is getting dirty, gently wash it by hand with water and dish detergent. After washing, quick wipe away the water. When dirt on the jewelry becomes conspicuous, softly wash it by hand with sodium bicarbonate (ex. baking soda) and a few drops of water. That removes the dirt, and its alkalis neutralize sulogide of silver. After that, wash away the sodium dicarbonate and dry it off completely.

Gold plated jewelry

Gold plated jewelry is tarnished by sweat, bodily, perfume and cosmetics. Please keep the jewelry away from them. Do not polish the gold plated jewelry! The more you polish, the more the plate is worn away. If the jewelry is getting dirty, gently wash it by hand with water and dish detergent. After washing, quick wipe away the water.

Swalovski Glass Beads on a silk cord jewelry

After wearing this kind of jewelry, quick and gently wipe away sweat and dirt from the beads with a soft cloth. Since the silk is a very absorbent taking in all your sweat and body fluids. The best way to clean the silk cord is simply by hand with water and the professional silk cleaner or soap. Please be careful not to get the beads parts wet with water. The drying of the silk should be performed using a towel or a very soft piece of cloth, immediately after the washing step has been fully performed.

Fresh water pearl jewelry

Fresh water pearls are organic gemstones. Please keep away from acid, alkaline and extremes of humidity. To preserve your pearls' radiance, avoid letting them come into contact with cosmetics, hair spray, or perfume. Always put on your jewelry as a final touch, after applying make-up and styling hair. After wearing the pearl jewelry, quick and gently wipe away sweat and dirt from the jewelry with a soft cloth. And wipe the pearls with chamois, which may be dry or damp. Ultrasonic cleanser should never be used with pearl jewelry as it can damage the pearls.